Family travelling around Western Australia in a caravan with a baby born on route in March.


“Not all those who wander are lost.” – J. R. R. Tolkien

Thursday 18 December 2014


Well i'm back. Had a blog break! Sometimes you wonder if anyone is reading this and the motivation goes but an email from my sister let me know that she and my aunt Lida are followers so I will try and keep on top of this blog with more regular updates.

So we spent 2 weeks at Advent caravan park in Perth sorting out visits to doctors, checks on the car and repairs on the caravan plus mammoth shopping trips to soulless shopping centres around Perth. Finally the girls immunisations are up to date because Australia doesn't recognise some of the immunisations given in New Zealand. Each country has it's own ideas on this. They wanted to give the chicken pox vaccinations even though both girls have had this so the girls had to have a blood test each to prove their immunity to this. Both very brave as these big needles went into their little arms. Luckily the phlebotomist was very good and got blood with each attempt.
I had pneumonia and found out after an x-ray and a high resolution CT scan that I have a damaged right lung (bronchiectasis) from previous bouts of pneumonia meaning I will always be susceptible to lung infections and will have to have antibiotics to control this.
The baby is growing and kicking morning and night which seem to be his wake up times. Struggling to find a boys name we both like. The girls with some prompting from my cousin Terry have decided on Drogo! Maybe if he is born with Hobbit features! Still not sure where we will be to have the baby and who will look after the girls when Steffi is in labour. Anyone fancy a trip to South West WA for some babysitting?

We sadly said goodbye to our friends Pete and Helen Lunney and their 4 children as they headed off on the long trek back to NSW across the Nullarbor. Haven't met too many travelling families so when we do it's always hard for the kids to say goodbye.

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